Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadan repeat season

Hello Children. I'm Mr Aedan. I sell books in Dubai. It's the same nonsense as anywhere else in the world, except it's actually against the law for me to tell people they're wrong.

As most of my customers are currently hiding in bed during the daytime, pretending that it counts as fasting if you just sleep all day, I don't have much to offer today apart from a variant on a classic theme:

"Hello, I'm looking for Middlemarch by Silas Marner."

I'd also like to point out that our best selling non-fiction book was Mein Kampf, until The Secret displaced it.


Dave said...

If you could combine the two, maybe into something like "Hermann Goering's Mystical Diet Plan - Look Fabulous As You Bring About Ragnarok", you'd be onto a winner.

R said...

I believe that one was actually called "You Are What You Eat."

Dave said...

Goering wore more makeup.