What bothers me - well, one from the list - is the uncanny physical similarity on display should you place side by side books by Doreen Virtue, Gillian McKieth, and Ann Coulter.
You should just take my word on this, however, sine actually assembling this triptych of horror could well pass the critical mass for boiling idiocy, and fracture reality as we know it.
I know she has a PHD. It's written on every book she publishes.
You know how also have PHD's? (They keep kind of quiet about it) A brief list: Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Matt Ridley, Richard Feynman, Sam Harris, Stephen Pinker, Oliver James, Richard Grosse... I could go on.
If you put a qualification next your name on a book, it's not worth the paper it's printed on.
On a related subject, have they started printing Gillian McKeith's books without the "Dr" yet, or is she hoping we've all forgotten?
I'd be curious to know what Virtue and the other MBS-PhDs actually have their qualifications in: did they get a reputable qualification and then go off the rails, or are they all bogus? Wikipedia is calling me...
I couldn't find her on Wikipedia, but I did find the page 'Spirit Releasment'. I suggest you take a look. It breaks down as:
'You takes your schizophrenic, and you whacks your schizophrenic, driving out the bad Juju.'
It also states that the bad spirits may return. I take this to mean that the mentally person you've just assaulted may regain coonciousness if you haven't beaten them hard enough.
I'd like to add that I've basically put this woman in charge of writing our core stock lists for MBS, as she seems well suited to it.
If you're going to outsource something, why not idiocy?
What bothers me - well, one from the list - is the uncanny physical similarity on display should you place side by side books by Doreen Virtue, Gillian McKieth, and Ann Coulter.
You should just take my word on this, however, sine actually assembling this triptych of horror could well pass the critical mass for boiling idiocy, and fracture reality as we know it.
I know she has a PHD. It's written on every book she publishes.
You know how also have PHD's? (They keep kind of quiet about it) A brief list: Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Matt Ridley, Richard Feynman, Sam Harris, Stephen Pinker, Oliver James, Richard Grosse... I could go on.
If you put a qualification next your name on a book, it's not worth the paper it's printed on.
On a related subject, have they started printing Gillian McKeith's books without the "Dr" yet, or is she hoping we've all forgotten?
I'd be curious to know what Virtue and the other MBS-PhDs actually have their qualifications in: did they get a reputable qualification and then go off the rails, or are they all bogus? Wikipedia is calling me...
I couldn't find her on Wikipedia, but I did find the page 'Spirit Releasment'. I suggest you take a look. It breaks down as:
'You takes your schizophrenic, and you whacks your schizophrenic, driving out the bad Juju.'
It also states that the bad spirits may return. I take this to mean that the mentally person you've just assaulted may regain coonciousness if you haven't beaten them hard enough.
"Angel clearing" sounds like it has potential as a sequel to that witch-touching game.
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