Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ruminant Botherers.

It's been a ripe week for Harry Potter related stupidity. Aside from the usual (such as asking if we stock the Harry Potter books, a question I've taken to answering by pretending I'm on fire, and emitting a high-pitched scream until they go away), a couple have really stood out. For your delectation:

"Is it the Harry Potter books that have the character Harry Potter in them?"

"What do you mean there's more than one of them? I just want Harry Potter."

An interesting thing I've found as a result of this sort of thing is that if you stare at the monitor intently, typing furiously, the customer inevitably thinks you're looking things up for them. It never occurs to them that you might be typing the words "goat-felating malcontent" over and over again.


Katie said...

I loved that question so, so much.

Oh no, wait, I didn't.

Were they mostly Americans?

Dave said...

Sadly, no. They were all British. If you think that was good, just you wait...